Welcome to Radio Crossing!
Radio crossing got its name from the group of volunteers
that helped create the trail at this point. They found an old 1980s era radio
in the bottom of the ravine

In the early days there was a rope that helped people climb both sides of the creek. It was a neat idea but not the safest and as such, the bridge and walkway were created. The bridge made the Orange Trail much more accessible to people of all ages and abilities as well as bikers.
Dozens of volunteers spent over 6 months of tough work to complete the build in 2020-2021. Over a ton of concrete and several thousand pounds of pressure treated lumber had to hauled to the sight by hand. In fact, the two handrails were carried together by 14 teenagers at one time – a monumental feat. After drying for almost a year everything was stained with 2-3 coats of stain. To get the best finish possible this was done by hand, after it was all sanded and cleaned of course!
The deck is 12’ above flood stage. At this elevation, the deck in still underwater 3-4 weeks a year. At that time, we post TRAIL FLOODED signs at the entrances. Over a 1,000 people a month now cross this bridge.
Another unique feature of this area is the Pole with 15 signs that detail the name and distance to different points of interest. This pole was donated by Veterans Landscape, a River Hills landscaping company, and carried by 7 men nearly ¾ of a mile to the site. Paul Worsfold and Stefan Smith came up with the list and distances for the signs and most of those chosen are National Parks. Local artisan Amanda Seeley used her talents to bring them to life. We encourage you to look at the exquisite detail of the wood burning and colors she used in creating these signs. They are truly works of art and we are grateful for her talent. Which one is your favorite? In fact, most of the signs throughout the trail system have been created by her. The top of the pole has a River Hills weathervane on it and it points North for your orientation. Be sure to take pictures and smile as the Trail Camera is also watching over this area.
This bridge and all of the amenities of the Trail system are maintained by volunteers. Students can receive Bright Future Service hours for helping. Follow Trail Events and contact the Trail leaders at the TRAILS OF RIVER HILLS Facebook page.